With deep appreciation for the friendship nurtured through the years with kindred spirits among NSDB/NSTA – PNU/DLSU Scholars who supported the mission of donating school supplies and book distribution to various educational institutions in the Philippines since 2010 (see OUTREACH page) through our annual “Reunion with a Mission” — a Books in Science & Math for Transformation (BSMT) initiative with Frank Cimatu, Salvacion Degillo, Rene & Marivic Españo, Myla Carballo Flores, Cynthia Alva Hinoso, Charlie & Dina Lagarde, Yvonne Cruz Mallari, Glenda Ong, Mariza Lemu Solano, Cecilia Toledo, Susana Casero Vargas; and our “not so little anymore” helpers ? — Denise Españo, Juan Miguel Españo, Alexis Lagarde and Timothy Tien; also among Manila Science class and school mates: Ma. Antonette Arguelles, Amy Clemente, Marites Cabral Di, Benjie Ducut, Evangeline Garcia, Norlie Quesada Corneby, Angie Natividad Reyes and Genny Rios Pedregosa.
Much gratitude is owed as well for the assistance in various ways, such as book storage and distribution by other friends and family: Aleili Arreola, Rev. Dr. Ruth Panganiban Billena, Allysa Cabangon, Rosalinda Tan CoSay (deceased), Ptr. Phoebe Dakanay, Lily Duka, Paul & Liza Garcia; Gonie Lim, Miriam Paronda (Garcia) Rorabaugh (deceased), Larry & Arlene Tan, Nicole Tan, Sarah Tan, Susana Ednaco Tan, Andrew Tien and Nenita Paronda Zamora. Also appreciate the donation of children’s books and educational toys for pre-school and elementary classrooms by Robert, Anita, Nicole and Taylor Tien.
Thank you to many HACC colleagues and retirees for their book donation and assistance with storage or shipment, and for the many ways they have encouraged and supported both my mission and passion: Jennifer Alleman, Patrice Beittel, Ron Benkendorf, Gina Bowers, Patricia Bright, Tami Burkholder, Holly Campadonico, Dr. Angela Campbell, Pam Capwell, Bert Casey, Mike & Lori Corradino, Elena Crain, Carol Davis, Dr. Peggy Dombrowski, AnnMarie Driscoll, Geremea Fioravanti, Karen Green, Jenny Heberlein, Dr. Len Eiserer, Dr. Ming Gao, Mary Harris, Susan Herr, Sheela Huddle, Dr. Qingshou Kong, Lancaster Faculty Assembly, Lancaster International Club, Lancaster Student Government Assn, Patsy Lavinia, George Lehman, Andrea Lown, Steve Lustig, Dr. Laura Martin, Jodi Mason, Dr. Kelly Matthews, Mojib Maula, Kari Meck, Cindy Muth, Lyra Neville, Jason Nielsen, Pam Pacana, Dr. Heather Pasewicz, Matthew Praguel, Karen Ramsay, Sue Rosenberger, Deb Rothermel, Lois Schaffer, Cindy Sierk, Judy Sherwood, Jennifer St. Pierre, Lorie Sonnen, Dr. Dennis Shoemaker, Dr. Richard Stringer, Vicky Tran, Dory Uhlman, Vicki Van Hise, Irma Alicia Villarreal, Marcia Waters, Pat Weaver, Robert Weinstock-Collins, Dr. Jay Wenger and Robert William. More boxes of math and science books were also donated by Gloria Denlinger, wife of former and retired Millersville University colleague, Dr. Charles Denlinger (https://www.thegroffs.com/obituaries/Charles-Denlinger/#!/TributeWall).
Finally, a heartfelt gratitude and admiration for an inspiring former Upward Bound student, Donny Trương, who generously designed and built this website, consequently getting our book donation and outreach effort published and my mission-driven business enterprise promoted. I owe you and all my former students and advisees a debt of gratitude for the opportunity to work with you and adding richness to my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤!
If you come across this page and noticed your name was overlooked, want your name linked to your website, or you wish to donate and help with our outreach efforts, please email Books4Best@gmail.com. Thank you!